David and the Great Goliath
Podcast series intro:
Courageous heroes, wise kings, and gentle shepherds. Join us as we jump into thrilling tales of faith, hope, love and salvation. These short podcasts are here to share timeless stories from the Bible in a fun, engaging, and exciting way. As always if you want to Listen to the Bible in its original form, or to read these events for yourself, click the links in the description below!
We hope you enjoy!
Let gets started!
Bears! Lions! Fighting a giant with only stones! Becoming King! Come along with us as we hear a short story about a little boy named David.
Main story:
David was an ordinary boy. He was tending sheep, playing the harp, and enjoying his life. There were a lot of things that he did not understand, because he was just a little boy. The time alone did not bother him because it helped him to maintain his relationship with God. He prayed daily, and he tried to be the best shepherd, and the best possible child that he could be. He often thought about how he was anointed as the future king and what that meant. He was the least of his brothers, and behold, he was chosen by the priest who anointed him as the future king of Israel. He knew who King Saul was and had even seen him a couple of times. He was a tall, handsome man who seemed strong, as a king should be. He did not like the way King Saul led and ruled. Surely, one day when he is king, he will not behave like that.
David loved God and prayed often. In a dangerous situation, when a lion, or bear attacked the herd, he would pray, and God would give him the strength to defeat both the bear, and the lion. One day, while he was tending the sheep, and singing psalms to God, they came after him. They did not explain to him what it was about, but they told him to take a bath, get a haircut, and to clean himself up because he was going to see King Saul. As he walked to the palace, he was a little nervous, because he had never been to the palace before. When he saw the king, he was amazed. He was so tall and handsome, dressed in royal robes. He seemed very elegant. But when he looked into his eyes, he saw something he had never seen before. There was restlessness, fear, anxiety, and greed all at once. Not knowing what to do, he began to play and sing a song he had written once when he was scared. The sound of the harp and the sweet voice slowly calmed the king until he was completely calm.
David lived in the courts until the war started with the neighboring Philistines. Since he was a boy and he could not go to war, he was sent home to his father Jesse. While the war was going on, Jesse decided to send David to visit his brothers on the battlefield and take them some food, and clean clothes. David walked along the path beside the mule that was heavy with supplies for Davids's brothers. David began singing songs and praying to his God. He soon reached the front line. Passing by the soldiers’ ready for battle, he looked for his brothers. Suddenly, a mean growl rang out! And it sounded something like this... This is what the growling sound said, "Grrrr, you comet to fight me with a little sticks! Like I am some little dog! If you think your God is so great step forward so, I defy you and your little God. Send your best and strongest warrior among you, that I may crush him, and feed him to the birds! He was huge. It was a giant from Gath, and he had incredible strength. The ground trembled when he banged his foot and jumped with anger. He insulted the Israelites and their God, calling them all sorts of derogatory names. David turned to the soldiers of Israel, surprised that no one had responded to the challenge of this giant.
That is where his brothers came in. They asked him what he was doing, when he was supposed to be home to look after the sheep and help his father. David told them, that his father sent him to take some food and clean clothing. David was very disapioned and hurt that no one stood up to answer that rude man who insulted his God? Because of this his brothers became incredibly angry and rebuked him. " What do you know about fighting and war? Come on, give us what our father sent and go home and look after the sheep. You do not even have a beard yet, and you are to young to go to war, and you want to fight Goliath. Man, Goliath's almost ten feet tall and weighs at least two hundred and sixty kilos. Are you crazy, what are you thinking of? The king is so desperate that he offers his daughter as wife to one who defeats Goliath." David was really surprised by these words. He asked his brothers, "Are we not taught to believe? Have we not been taught from a young age that if we have faith as a mustard seed, we can move mountains? Do you not know that our God is stronger than any man? If no one wants to, I will go fight him. I fought with lions and bears and with God's help I defeated them. The Lord is my confidence; I will not fear man."
Someone heard this while passing by and reported it to King Saul. He ordered David to be brought before him. "David, I hear you're about to go out to Goliath from Gath? You brag about how you beat the lion and the bear by faith, is that right? David answered him without hesitation, "Yes honorable king. Tomorrow I will go out before him and kill him in the name of our God, the Father." The king was very surprised by these answers. "Well," said the king, "if you have such faith, go." Take some of my equipment, it is the best equipment there is in Israel and beyond. David tried on his helmet, it was so big that it covered his whole face, and he could not see anything. He tried the armor, but under that weight he could not breathe, and it was too big for him. He could not lift the sword and shield. He decided to confront Goliath without any equipment. He would just bring his cane and slingshot. It is like he was fighting a lion and a bear before. He descended to a nearby stream and chose five pebbles.
That evening he prayed for a long time and sang before the Lord. When Goliath came the next day to insult God and the Israelites as before, David stood before him with a shepherd's staff and a slingshot in his hands. Goliath and all the Philistine army laughed when they saw a boy with a shepherd's staff and a slingshot before a giant in full war gear. "Did you send a child with a stick and a slingshot to confront me? Are you insulting me or are you crazy? Ha ha ha ha, I'm going to make porridge out of him and feed my dog with him." Goliath was rejoicing in advance, rejoicing in an easy victory over him.
David was calm. He looked at him and the army of the Philistines and said to him, "You are a great and mighty warrior. You have a sharp sword and a huge spear. But I will set out against you in the name of the Lord of hosts, and today I will feed the birds with your flesh." Goliath was so angry that he started to blush. He began to jump out of anger. He waved his sword, gnashing his teeth. He ran before David with his sword raised, and the earth began to tremble under his footsteps. David twisted the slingshot in which he had put the pebble. When he got the speed he needed, he fired. Then all of a sudden! "slam!." The stone hit Goliath, and crashed in the middle of his forehead, he fell with a big bang and a cloud of dust rose. David ran up to Goliath, picked up his sword, and cut off Goliath’s head. Seeing Goliath's end, the Philistine army was frightened, and began to flee. The Israelite army then advanced and defeated them. This was only the beginning. God performed great and mighty things through David who became king in Israel.
What can God do with a child who loves him? What can God do with a child who wants to honor God with his whole life? Look at little David who changed the lives of a whole nation.
Dear listeners, God wants to use you greatly. Do you love God? Do you want to be a child of God like little David? You can.
If you want your parents or friends to read this story again from the Bible you can find this in your King James Bible the book of 1 Samuel Chapter 17.
If you need a Bible, or want to learn more, you can talk to your parents, Sunday school teacher, or pastor.
This has been a story from your Balkan Baptist friends. If you are a parent and would like more information about where to find a local Baptist church in your area that can help your faith grow and change the world, please contact us. You can reach us at balkanbaptist@gmail.com
The Bible still Works!